
Arizona Campers Spooked By Rock Throwing Bigfoot

Carlton M. and eight of his buddies had one of the spookiest moments of their lives while camping up in northern Arizona. The guys with him were mostly gun toting rednecks and their plan was to do nothing but target shoot all weekend. They had fun shooting off their guns during the day, but it was the nights that bothered them the most.

For two nights, the guys had rocks thrown at them from a just a few feet away. Rock throwing is typical Bigfoot behavior and Carlton was aware of this but did bit think too much into it at the time. Most of friends are skeptical about Bigfoot, but they all agreed what scared them on those nights were definitely not bears or other humans. Carlton said that a fallen tree was blocking the road and it made sure that most cars were not able enter the area. He says he's pretty sure that it was just them in the area that weekend.

and check out our interview of Steve Kulls. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

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Related : Arizona Campers Spooked By Rock Throwing Bigfoot