Showing posts with label Ghost. Show all posts
Ghost In Mental Hospital - Breakdown

Ghost In Mental Hospital - Breakdown

Is this a video of a ghost in a mental hospital? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a closer look and gives us his thoughts. What do you thi...
5 Real Haunted Forest Encounters

5 Real Haunted Forest Encounters

Are you ready to go into the woods? In the forest? Those haunted forests that span this planet? Get ready for ghost sightings, real demons, ...
Top 15 Paranormal Events That Police Witnessed

Top 15 Paranormal Events That Police Witnessed

From 'The Creepy Glasgow Poltergeist' to the 'Silbury Hill Sighting Mysteries', here is a look at fifteen paranormal events ...
Haunted Balloon caught floating around Children's Hospital (video)

Haunted Balloon caught floating around Children's Hospital (video)

This orange balloon has spooked staff members at a hospital by hovering inches from the floor and seeming to follow them around the buildi...
Ghost child appears in a road trip selfie through Florida

Ghost child appears in a road trip selfie through Florida

It was just a normal day for Melissa Kurtz, 48, who was driving on a highway in the Maitland area of Florida, near Orlando, to take her 13...
Creepy face of a ghost appears on film in a Haunted tunnel (video)

Creepy face of a ghost appears on film in a Haunted tunnel (video)

A paranormal investigator got the shock of his life when he was faced with a 'ghost' after venturing alone into underground tunnel...
Ghost Maid - Breakdown

Ghost Maid - Breakdown

Is there the ghost of a maid in this video? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look and gives us his thoughts. What do you think? and chec...
Top 15 Scary Ghost Sightings Caught On Camera By YouTubers

Top 15 Scary Ghost Sightings Caught On Camera By YouTubers

From the 'Brick House Ghost' to 'The Strong Poltergeist' Top15s takes a look at fifteen of the scariest ghost sightings caug...
Impatient Ghost tosses glass at a British pub (video)

Impatient Ghost tosses glass at a British pub (video)

We've all been there. It's Friday night, you've had a hellish week at work, your boss is a nightmare , your life is generally...
Man captures creepy sounds in an Arizona mine (video)

Man captures creepy sounds in an Arizona mine (video)

A man who ventured into an abandoned mine in the US has purportedly recorded spine-tingling whispers on his camera. The man, who’s only kno...
11 Creepiest Haunted Places

11 Creepiest Haunted Places

Here are the 11 scariest and most mysterious places of all time from the Ancient Ram Inn filled with ghosts to creepy catacombs! What do you...
Ghost Hunter Captures Terrifying Footage Of Dead Girl

Ghost Hunter Captures Terrifying Footage Of Dead Girl

The Fortean Slip Episode 131 This week Chris and the fellas go free form after discussing how Richard's ceremony on Halloween went. They...
5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps (video)

5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps (video)

Since every new technology seems to provide some kind of fresh form of high strangeness, it should be no surprise that 'sleep apps...
The 7 Creepiest REAL Ghost Photos of All Time

The 7 Creepiest REAL Ghost Photos of All Time

The scariest and most convincing ghost photographs ever taken, from a creepy smiling farm boy to a mysterious lady caught at the window of a...
Renters in Pennsylvania flee their haunted home (video)

Renters in Pennsylvania flee their haunted home (video)

There is a house in Lackawanna County where no one is currently living. The house looks like it could sit in nearly any community in northe...
The Enfield Haunting - Commentary

The Enfield Haunting - Commentary

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown makes an examination into the truth or fiction of the famous haunting in Enfield England in 1977. Was it really...
8 REAL Ouija Board Horror Stories That Will TERRIFY You

8 REAL Ouija Board Horror Stories That Will TERRIFY You

Are Ouija boards only simple kids toys or are they more sinister. Here are 8 REAL Ouija Board Horror Stories That Will TERRIFY You! What do ...
5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps

5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps

If you've ever used a sleep recording app to try and capture what you say at night, it may have crossed your mind that what if you woke ...
Wikileaks Reveals Hillary Clinton Email Conspiracies And UFO Connection

Wikileaks Reveals Hillary Clinton Email Conspiracies And UFO Connection

The Fortean Slip 130 This week Chris and the fellas talk about Halloween ceremonies and then the topics run amok. They also talk about a Big...
Haunted Historic House well send you haunted plants

Haunted Historic House well send you haunted plants

This Halloween (Monday 31st October), haunted New York State historic site, the Dr. Best House & Medical Museum ( www.drbesthouse.org )...