
Former Air Force Pilot Witnessed UFO Crash, Claims They Were Not Human

Air Force Colonel and pilot Robert Willingham said he saw a UFO crash near the border with Mexico in 1955 while piloting a F86. He and three other jets were following a B47 on a bombing drill over El Paso Texas. It was during this time that they received a distant alert call and said that they registered a UFO on the radar. Just moments later they saw the object as a bright star travelling at a speed of 3200 km per hour. As he requested permission to follow the craft, he noticed that it had already crashed in Mexico. He claims to have gone back to the site which was surrounded by Mexican military until the US Air Force arrived. Colonel Willingham claims to have not only seen the UFO but the crew of the craft and that they were not human.

and check out our show from this week with paranormal investigator and Squatchdetective, Steve Kulls. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

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Related : Former Air Force Pilot Witnessed UFO Crash, Claims They Were Not Human