
The ghost of Vera haunts Pacific University

Vera is something of a local celebrity. She haunts Pacific University’s Knight Hall, playing tricks on those inside and flipping on the lights.

Or so the stories say.

Stories of Vera have swirled through Forest Grove for more than a century, said Jeff Grundon, senior associate director of admissions. As a student at Pacific University in the 1970s, he wasn’t sure he believed the stories, even when his friends said they met her at night.

But when his office as an employee was moved to Knight Hall 20 years ago, he started noticing things.

He has etched the date of the first incident into his brain: July 5, 1993. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and he couldn’t open a door.

Grundon said a pileup of events made him a believer. Strange smells, silly laughs. Lights on when he turned them off.

Once, he watched his briefcase slide three feet of its own accord. Another time, a fan turned itself on when he was working with a colleague and a student.

Grundon doesn’t really mind her. If he really needs to focus, he’ll say, “Knock it off!” and she does. She’s mischievous and playful, but never mean, he said.

A paranormal psychologist told him two spirits and a poltergeist occupy Knight Hall. Vera is a good and strong spirit, the psychologist said, and she keeps other spirits out.

The psychologist visited after Grundon brought in a Catholic priest to bless the building. That didn’t change anything.

Student groups still camp out in Knight Hall sometimes, he said, trying to find Vera. His young son looks for her every time he visits the office.

Mary Jo Morelli, president of Friends of Historic Forest Grove, talks about Vera during her Halloween ghost tours of Forest Grove.

And when she tells people about Vera on her tours, some of them have Vera stories of their own.

--Clare Lennon

Source: The Oregonian

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Related : The ghost of Vera haunts Pacific University