
Pennsylvania witness describes 'massive, circular' UFO

A Pennsylvania witness at Phoenixville reports watching a "massive, circular craft" that seemed to change shape as it moved overhead just after midnight on October 1, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

(side-note) The 1958 science-fiction horror movie “The Blob” with Steve McQueen was filmed in Phoenixville PA.

The witness was standing in his backyard at the time when he first noticed the object.

"As it made its way into my full view, I noticed it seemed to look like a very large over-sized jet with white lights - at least three on each side - of what at first appeared to be wings, as well as red lights on the under belly of the craft," the witness stated. "As this object started to pass above me I remember thinking this plane is huge."

But then the object's shape appeared to change.

"This object appeared to change shape or the clouds moved around and away from it. The craft may have rotated or changed direction at this point, it was all so breathtaking I was just in shock of what I was seeing. I could have possibly been seeing some sort of cloaking technology."

The witness then realized he was not looking at a conventional aircraft.

"The next thought I had was that this was no plane, but a gigantic, circular craft with a smaller circle within, that began to rotate. The craft did have bright, white lights on its outer rim - maybe 6 or more - and the inner circle had red lights - at least two - but at the angle of my view it felt like there was three that spun with the inner circle. This all happened in seconds."

Instead of attempting to photograph the experience, the witness decided to try and get his girlfriend's attention to also look at the object.

"She was able to see the craft as it was flying away at a fast steady pace - not super fast though. She did say it looked unusual, but the craft had moved a good distance by now. So she by no means had the same up-close experience."

No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on October 3, 2012. Phoenixvilleis in Chester County, PA, about 28 miles northwest of Philadelphia, population 16,440. The above quotes were edited for clarity.

Pennsylvania is a current UFO ALERT3 rating, with a high number of UFO sightings nationally. Pennsylvania had 32 reports in September 2012 - the 6th highest reporting state while California had 69 reports - the highest reporting state in the nation.

The following is the unedited report filed with MUFON.

Phoenixville, PA, October 1, 2012 - Massive circular craft. MUFON Case 42989.

I had just started a Bon fire in my back yard, my girlfriend was in the house cooking. While standing in my yard I noticed a large bright craft coming throught the trees. As it mad its way into my full view I noticed it seemed to look like a very large oversized jet with white lights at least three on each side of what at first appeared to be wings, as well as red lights on the under belly of the craft. As this object started to pass above me I remember thinking this plane is huge. Just at that moment Im not sure exactly what happend! This object appeared to change shape or the cloudes moved around and away from it. The craft may have rotated or changed direction at this point, it was all so breath taking i was just in shock of what i was seeing. I could have possable been seening some sort of cloaking technology.The next thought I had was that this was no plane but a gigantic circular craft with a smaller circle within that began to rotate. The craft did have bright white lights an on its outer rim maybe 6 or more and the inner circle had red lights at least two but at the angle of my view felt like there was three that spun with the inner circle. This all happened in seconds. Next I turned an ran to get my girlfriends attention so I was not the only witness to this incredible experiance. Really wish I would have pulled out my phone. After getting my girlfriend with panic in my voice I said look a UFO and she was able to see the craft as it was flying away at a fast steady past not super fast tho. She did say it looked unusual but the craft had moved a good distance by now. So she by no means had the same up close expearance I had. I also remember seeing what looked like two virtacal white lights witch appeared to be lager the the craft. It looked like what would seem to me to be some sort of exsaust for the craft. After words there was alot of plane activity in the sky, and the just paled in comparison to what I had just saw. They also where fling much higher. I really hope me coming forth with this report will help other come forward as well.

Source: Examiner 

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Related : Pennsylvania witness describes 'massive, circular' UFO