
Tennessee Ghost Hunters Capture Ghost on FIlm

HARRIMAN, TENN. — Ghost-hunters encamped overnight with high-tech gear in the city’s oldest building claim they took a photo of a “full-bodied apparition” as well as recordings of ghosts talking.

If City Council next Tuesday approves the release of that alleged evidence of ghostly goings-on in the Temperance Building, “It’s liable to freak a few people out,” Richard Ruland said.

Ruland, a resident of Dayton, Tenn., is founder of G.H.O.S.T. (Ghost Hunters of Southern Tennessee) Paranormal.

He said his 11-member group spent Dec. 17 in the building.

They toted in gear ranging from infrared and conventional cameras and recorders to what Ruland called an “electromagnetic field reader” used in ghost-hunting.

Orange Misty Ghost
In one of some 800 photos taken during their stay, there’s one shot of “orangey-white mist” shaped like a man wearing a coat, Ruland said,
and that apparition quickly vanished.

Recordings of ghosts talking were also captured, Ruland said.

That organization wants council’s approval of a contract that would allow members to revisit the building and eventually conduct nighttime tours of it for a fee.

Half of any tour proceeds would be funneled into a campaign to restore the majestic red-brick building.

Read full story at the Knoxville News Sentinel.

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Related : Tennessee Ghost Hunters Capture Ghost on FIlm