Showing posts with label Possession. Show all posts

Demon Room / Demon Cellphone

Beyond Creepy looks at two cases involving demons. What do you think? and check out our show from this week. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

10 Bizarre Cases of Demonic Possession

Strange cases of people being possessed by demons and spirits these stories will scare you and make you wonder if they are real.  What do yo...

5 Demon & Ghost Attacks Caught On Tape - Demonic Possession

Thousands of videos and photographs of what people believe are real demons and ghosts can be found on the internet today. But there aren’t t...

Ed and Lorraine Warren Doll Of Shadows And Hexes

This is a small clip from Ghosts and Beyond featuring Ed and Lorraine Warren talking about the Doll of Shadows and Hexes. What do you think?...

Roland Doe - The True Story Behind The Exorcist

Roland Doe, the only child of devout catholic parents, seemed like a normal young boy, and then something happened. This is his story and th...

10 Terrifying Demonic Possessions

From the mysterious case of Roland Doe to Janet Moses here are ten terrifying cases of demonic possesion. and check out the true story behin...

Alabama Exorcist Dies, Child Tortured For Being A Witch And Haunted House Moving

The Fortean Slip News 72 This week Chris and Steve are joined by Matt Knapp as they discuss the death of an Alabama exorcist, a child tortur...

15 VERY SCARY True Ghost Stories

Here are 15 more true ghost stories to keep you up late at night looking out the window wondering what may be trying to get in.

Top 10 Terrifying Demonic Possessions

Do you believe in demons and possession? Here's the top 10 most terrifying and famous true cases of demonic possession. Get your crucifi...


Here is an older documentary put out on the Discovery Channel about ghosts and ghost encounters. Does Abraham Lincoln roam the white house? ...

Poltergeists - The Unexplained

A poltergeist (German for "noisy ghost") is a type of ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical distur...

SÉANCE - A Short Horror Film

Sensing that the place they just moved in is haunted, an expecting young couple host a séance party to cast the spirit out. However, things ...

The Shocking True Story Of Harold The Haunted Doll

In 2003 a man posted a doll for sale on ebay claiming that it was haunted. This is his story.

Are Demons Real?

Nearly half of all Americans believe in demonic possession, In the last 40 years, there have been thousands of exorcisms carried out by the ...

10 Unexplained Paranormal Phenomena

Possessed teenagers, doppelgänger schoolteachers, and demonic dolls here are ten unexplained paranormal phenomena.

The Secret World Of Exorcisms

Exorcisms have occurred throughout history. Are people becoming possessed by demons that need an exorcist to banish them? Take a look at the...

Possessed Maid Caught On CCTV (commentary)

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this possessed maid caught on CCTV video and gives us his thoughts. Leave a comment and let us ...

10 Terrifying Cases Of Alleged Exorcisms & Demonic Possessions

Youtuber Dark Light T takes a look at ten terrifying cases of alleged exorcisms and demonic possessions. Leave a comment and let us know wha...

5 TRUE Demon Possession Scary Stories

These are some true american horror stories - Stories of real demon attacks and demon possession! Darkness Prevails presents five true demon...

10 Ouija Board Possessions Caught on Tape

Youtuber Chills presents ten Ouija board possessions caught on tape. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.